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Master of Science in Applied Information Science (Technion) & Master of Science Information Systems (Cornell) with a Concentration in Urban Tech
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Program Length

2 Years
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Issued By

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology & Cornell University

Start designing the future of connected, livable, adaptable cities now. Study at the Ivy League level and acquire two leading degrees. And live in the heart of the ultimate urban ecosystem: New York City. Learn to apply machine learning, data science, human-computer interaction, and product design to the social, economic and technical challenges of a city in this transformational program. Our first-of-its-kind curriculum challenges you with the rigor of a computer science core, a firm grounding in how cities work and room to test your biggest ideas by building real products in the Studio.

The Jacobs Technion-Cornell Dual Master’s Degrees in Urban Tech provides students from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds a common view of how cities work and vocabulary for thinking of cities as systems of systems. Building on this foundation, the curriculum offers opportunities to specialize in digital technology areas that will impact the parts of cities they are passionate about, like urban mobility, data-supported resource management, proptech, smart cities, and many other topics related to today’s urban environment. The Urban Tech program affords students the ability to study, create, and deploy a variety of forms of urban tech, with a focus on using digital-related technology to make cities stronger, fairer, more livable, and more resilient.

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Urban Tech at Cornell Tech

Specialize in Systemic Transformation

illustration of desktop computer with mouse and pencil symbolizing design

Design Across Sectors

Design tools and solutions for critical urban challenges, from mobility to proptech to energy and beyond.
blue line illustration of snap-blocks

Build Tech for People

Build something meaningful and new, then test its viability with real citizens and investors.
blue line illustration of a brain

Learn in a Lab Like No Other

Gain real-time insight from leaders, planners and entrepreneurs in New York City, one of the world’s most complex cities.

Urban Tech Specialization Project

The two-semester Specialization Project gives you the opportunity to take a deep dive into a topic of your choosing, honing specialized skills, implementing novel prototypes, analyzing complex data sets, or pursuing user-centered design studies.

 You will complete the project requirement in one of two ways:

Anchor Course + Self-Directed Project

  • Fall: TECH 5901: Intro to Spec — 1 cr
  • Spring: Approved-anchor course* (3 cr) and 5920 (1 cr) — 4 cr
  • Fall: INFO 5920: Specialization Project** — 4 cr


Faculty-Directed Independent Study

  • Fall: TECH 5901: Intro to Spec — 1 cr
  • Spring: INFO 7900: Independent Study — 4 cr
  • Fall: INFO 7900: Independent Study — 4 cr


* Approved anchor course list available per program

** Projects may be done independently or with partner(s).


4 students sitting at a round table and working on a project

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