Jacobs Technion-Cornell Dual Master of Science Degrees with a Concentration in Health Tech

Changing Academia. Revolutionizing Industry.
Radical experimentation at the intersection of research, education, and entrepreneurship.

Health Tech at Cornell Tech
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Health Tech at Cornell Tech
Three-Part Curriculum
Technical Courses
From applied machine learning to human-computer interaction and more, you’ll code, prototype, theorize, and design in rigorous computer science and engineering courses.
Health Courses
Anchor your tech skills with a deep understanding of healthcare delivery, digital health, decision support, precision and global medicine.
Studio Courses
Practice entrepreneurship, product design, startup management and other skills in cross-disciplinary teams with MBA, law, and engineering students in this essential component of all Cornell Tech programs.
About the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Dual Master of Science Degrees with a Concentration in Health Tech
This dual-degree program provides advanced technical training with an emphasis on machine learning, software development, cybersecurity, and HCI. Students will apply these state-of-the-art technologies to address consumer health and wellness, clinical decision-making, and healthcare operations, including in close collaboration with physicians at Weill Cornell Medicine, one of the best medical schools in the country.
Through project-based learning, students acquire valuable experience in end-to-end digital product development and management. Health Tech prepares students for technical careers in a wide range of companies, including startups, established companies, and healthcare enterprises. This program also confers exceptional preparation for career paths in digital technologies, generally.
Technical Topics
- Applied Machine Learning
- Augmented & Virtual Reality
- Computer Vision
- Cryptography, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain
- Data Science
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Technologies for Development
- Interactive Device Design
- Natural Language Processing
- Optimization Methods
- Software Engineering
Health Topics
- Behavioral Economics
- Digital and Mobile Health
- Global Health
- Healthcare System Organization
- Health Tech, Data, and Systems
- Predictive Analytics and Clinical Decision-Making
Studio Topics
- Entrepreneurship
- Intellectual Property
- Law for Non-Lawyers
- Leadership for Digital Transformation
- Product Management
- Startup Funding & Pitching

Health Tech Specialization Project
The two-semester Specialization Project gives you the opportunity to take a deep dive into a topic of your choosing, honing specialized skills, implementing novel prototypes, analyzing complex data sets, or pursuing user-centered design studies.
You will complete the project requirement in one of two ways:
Anchor Course + Self-Directed Project
- Fall: TECH 5901: Intro to Spec — 1 cr
- Spring: Approved-anchor course* (3 cr) and 5920 (1 cr) — 4 cr
- Fall: INFO 5920: Specialization Project** — 4 cr
Faculty-Directed Independent Study
- Fall: TECH 5901: Intro to Spec — 1 cr
- Spring: INFO 7900: Independent Study — 4 cr
- Fall: INFO 7900: Independent Study — 4 cr
* Approved anchor course list available per program
** Projects may be done independently or with partner(s).
Featured Faculty

Deborah Estrin
Associate Dean and Robert V. Tishman ’37 Professor
Deborah Estrin is the Robert V. Tishman ’37 Professor at Cornell Tech and in the Computer Science Department at Cornell University, and currently serves as an Associate Dean at Cornell Tech.
Research focus: Mobile systems and applications, including: mobile health, personal informatics, and privacy

Tanzeem Choudhury
Roger and Joelle Burnell Professor in Integrated Health and Technology
Tanzeem Choudhury is a professor at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech in Information Sciences and a co-founder of HealthRhythms Inc. She currently serves as the Program Director for Jacobs Technion-Cornell Dual Master of Science Degrees with a Concentration in Health Tech.
Research focus: Develops mobile sensing systems for capturing, learning, and interpreting people’s context, activities and social networks

Nicola Dell
Associate Professor
Nicola Dell is an Associate Professor at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech and in the Information Science Department at Cornell University.
Research focus: Designing, building, and evaluating novel computing systems that improve the lives of underserved populations in low-income regions

Emma Pierson
Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch Assistant Professor
Emma Pierson is an assistant professor of computer science at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech and the Technion where she holds the Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch Assistant Professor Chair, and a computer science field member at Cornell University.
Research focus: The development of data science and machine learning methods to study inequality and healthcare

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Career Outcomes
Cornell Tech offers best-in-class career management services to set you up for success after graduation. Recent graduates work at companies such as Pfizer Innovation, Datalogue, Oscar Health, Weight Watchers, Paige.AI, and many others. Learn about placement rates, employers, and more.
Diversity & Inclusion
Cornell Tech was founded to advance technology as a means to a better quality of life for all communities in New York City, across the nation, and around the world. Our best work results in ethical, inclusive, accessible technology for all users, especially the underserved and underrepresented.
Vital to that mission is building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community of students, faculty, and staff. We seek to build things with — not just for — real people and believe in the power of participation and representation.
Health Tech in NYC
With its central location in New York City, Cornell Tech students benefit from fluid interactions with some of the foremost medical experts and institutions in the country. Weill Cornell Medical College, Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Northwell Health clinicians mentor specialization projects, provide summer internships, and sometimes even serve on advisory boards of student startups.
Who Should Apply?
Whether your background is in engineering or life sciences, you can customize our curriculum to best complement your existing skills. While no prior experience in healthcare or medicine is needed, we do require students to demonstrate prior coursework or professional experience in foundational aspects of software development and mathematics.
Cornell Tech was a launchpad that gave me the skills, confidence, and community I needed to develop as a digital health technologist.”

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