PhD Students
Frequently Asked Questions
As an international PhD student, how will my immigration status be affected by the hybrid instruction model?
International students should refer to the Office of Global Learning FAQs to understand the implications of hybrid instruction to their immigration status.
When will labs re-open so that PhD students can resume working in research spaces?
Students can check on the status of their research spaces here.
I am a current PhD student and am currently outside the U.S. or planning to travel internationally. Does this impact the pay I receive through my assistantship?
The Graduate School shared an important message for Ph.D. students located outside the U.S. Students who chose to leave the U.S. and return to their home countries, may now face closed borders and travel restrictions that may impact their ability to return to the U.S. Although students who are outside the U.S. are not normally permitted to hold assistantships, the university will be able to offer assistantships to students who are outside the U.S. during the summer or fall semesters if students left the U.S. prior to May 1st, 2020 and travel restrictions prevent a return. There are several important eligibility criteria described on the Graduate School website.
Students who choose to leave the U.S. after May 1st will not be eligible to hold assistantships if they don’t reenter the country prior to the start of a summer and/or fall 2020 appointment.
If you are outside the U.S., please communicate your location and circumstances right away to Student Services at
As a PhD student, I’m not sure if I will be in Ithaca or NYC. What are my housing options?
If you are interested in living on campus, PhD students are encouraged to consider submitting an application for The House as soon as possible. You will receive a housing assignment offer and you can contact us regarding the specifics of your deadline to put down a deposit. We work with PhD students to accommodate their need to be in Ithaca or NYC during specific semesters of the academic year.