Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Center
Learn at the Emma and Georgina Bloomberg Center
A homebase for students, faculty, and staff, with modern classrooms, open work spaces, and The Café.
Tata Innovation Center
Collaborate at the Tata Innovation Center
A hub for researchers, startups, established companies, and top-tier academic partnerships.
Verizon Executive Ed Center
Convene at the Verizon Executive Education Center
A gathering place for organizations to shape the future of technology.
Feeney Way
Feeney Way at Cornell Tech honors and celebrates Charles F. “Chuck” Feeney, Cornell Class of 1956
housing aerial shot
Live at The House
Fully-furnished, high-end housing for students and faculty — just steps from the classroom.
Stay at Graduate Roosevelt Island Hotel
Our on-campus boutique hotel with a restaurant, rooftop bar, meeting space, and skyline views.
Dining area of The Café in the Bloomberg Center
Eat at The Café
An airy, modern eatery in the Bloomberg Center with an ever-changing menu.

Experience It For Yourself

To understand how extraordinary our campus is, you have to visit. The good news is you can walk our campus right now, from wherever you are in the world.
  • 360 Tour
    Experience Cornell Tech from anywhere with our interactive, 3D tour.
  • Audio Tour
    Hear from faculty and students about what it’s like to be here.
  • Email Visitor Relations
    We look forward to resuming in-person campus tours as soon as it is safe to do so. For now, email Visitor Relations to chat about your interests and questions.
Daniel Huttenlocher speaking from a podium, joined by 7 others on stage

Our Origin Story

In December 2010, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the City of New York issued a competition to top institutions from around the world to propose a new or expanded applied sciences and engineering campus in New York City. Find out why the proposal for Cornell Tech won.

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