Behavioral Compact
Cornell Tech Campus Student Behavioral Compact 2020-2021
The Cornell Tech Campus Student Behavioral Compact 2020-2021 sets forth our behavioral expectations for students joining us on the Cornell Tech campus for the 2020-2021 academic year in order to minimize transmission of COVID-19 and protect those most vulnerable to the virus. This Compact applies to all undergraduate, graduate, professional and visiting students residing on or expecting to visit the Cornell Tech Campus during the 2020-2021 academic year.
Cornell Tech students also have an obligation to follow the Cornell Tech Standards of Professional Conduct.
Cornell Tech Campus Student Behavioral Compact 2020-2021
I understand that as a member of the Cornell Tech Campus community during the 2020-2021 academic year, I have a role and responsibility to play in keeping our campus and the greater community safe and that we must adopt a culture of shared responsibility for our safety and well-being. I understand that the measures I am agreeing to undertake are currently necessary to protect my health and safety and the health and safety of others in both our campus and greater local communities. I agree to abide by all federal, state, local, Cornell University and Cornell Tech mandates, policies, protocols, and procedures related to COVID-19, including all required training and testing. I understand that, if we, as a community, cannot adhere to the Compact and/or a serious COVID-19 outbreak occurs, Cornell Tech may not be able to continue an on-campus experience, and we may be required to transition to a fully remote learning experience.
I understand that violations of this Compact will be handled expeditiously by the Cornell Tech Compact Compliance Team (“CTCCT”). I further understand that if I am not enrolled in a Cornell Tech program the CTCCT will inform my home college of the violation. I agree that should the CTCCT determine that my behavior violated the Compact, I may lose the privilege of engaging in on-campus activities (including research and in-person classes), residing in on-campus housing, or accessing Cornell facilities and buildings, and that my Cornell NetID and/or Cornell identification card may be deactivated for a period of time (blocking my ability to participate in remote learning and other online Cornell activities) as determined by the CTCCT. I acknowledge and agree that there is no appeal of the decisions and directives of the CTCCT, as these determinations will be made on an urgent basis to protect the health and safety of the community as a whole. The decisions and directives of the CTCCT will not be reported by Cornell as disciplinary records or actions. However, I acknowledge and agree that the university may disclose violations of the Compact to my parents or legal guardians (if I am a dependent) as set forth in the university’s Student Record Privacy Statement: Annual Notice under FERPA.
I also understand and agree that severe, pervasive, and/or repeated violations of the Compact may be referred by the CTCCT in its sole discretion to the Office of the Judicial Administrator for investigation and adjudication pursuant to the Cornell University Campus Code of Conduct, and may result in my temporary suspension from the university while the disciplinary matter is pending and sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university should I be found responsible. I further understand and agree that failure to comply with the order of a university official regarding testing, isolation, quarantine, and/or contact tracing requirements will be immediately referred to the Office of the Judicial Administrator and will result in a temporary suspension from all programs of the university while the disciplinary matter is pending.
I understand that, in addition to this Compact, I am expected to continue to comply with all other applicable university policies, procedures, and on-campus housing expectations and licenses.
The expectations set forth below are based on recommendations by public health authorities and may change based on the spread of COVID-19 in the NYC community or developments in medical knowledge. To protect myself and others, I understand and agree to adhere to the following expectations, and with supplemental health and safety responsibilities the university or public health authorities may establish.
Health & Wellness
I agree:
- To provide my local address and emergency contact information as a condition of enrolling or remaining enrolled in classes, and to promptly update each throughout the academic year.
- To make every effort to self-quarantine in place for 14 days prior to departing for Cornell Tech or the greater NYC area.
- To be tested upon arrival for COVID-19 as required by Cornell, including shortly after my arrival in New York City and as a part of a regularly scheduled surveillance program for the Campus community.
- To isolate in the event of a positive test result for COVID-19, as directed by health authorities, and to fully cooperate with contract tracing and quarantine efforts.
- To take responsibility for my own health and the health of others in our community by adhering to guidance from Cornell University, Cornell Tech, New York City and New York State.
- To complete and record the Cornell Tech Daily Check.
- To practice appropriate physical distancing and good hygiene, including:
- Remaining at least six feet from others whenever possible,
- Carrying a face covering with me at all times while on campus,
- Wearing a face covering whenever I enter any Cornell Tech campus facility, including The House, and continuing to wear a face covering in common areas and when moving through a building and/or using shared spaces; whenever I cannot maintain at least six feet of separation from others outdoors (whether I am on or off campus); and otherwise as required by Cornell Tech or health regulations.
- Coughing or sneezing into my elbow,
- Washing my hands frequently throughout the day for at least 20 seconds,
- Cleaning my immediate areas in classrooms, study and studio space as directed,
- Abiding by such health and hygiene policies as may be established for common areas, the House, the Café, and shared restroom facilities, as applicable, and
- Staying home if I am sick and requesting an evaluation from a healthcare provider if I have COVID-19 symptoms.
- I further understand that wearing a face covering does not replace the need for physical distancing or other measures.
- To receive a 2020-2021 flu vaccine as directed by the University.
Social, Organizational and Recreational
I agree:
- That student and campus activities will focus on virtual engagement as much as possible and, when not virtual, that I and others will be required to observe the physical distancing and good hygiene protocols noted above, as well as other social and event management policies as Cornell Tech may adopt.
- When socializing in person, to do so only in small groups (as set by the university, campus or public health authorities), to maintain six feet of physical distance between us, and to wear a face covering at all times.
- When I am acting as a host for any social gathering or event on or off campus, I am responsible for complying with and reinforcing applicable health and wellness rules with all participants and guests, including requirements for small groups, physical distancing and face covering.
- To refrain from organizing, hosting, or attending events, parties, or other social gatherings on or off-campus that may cause safety risks to me and other members of the community. I further understand that drinking alcohol and using other drugs will increase my risk of engaging in risky behavior and/or needing medical treatment, including the increased risk of being exposed to higher-risk contact with others.
In-Person Instruction
I agree:
- To wear a face covering, sit in my assigned seat, and maintain six feet from others whenever possible when attending in-person classes, labs or any similar in-person instruction.
- To follow all directives of faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants regarding face covering, assigned seating, maintaining distance, and cleaning of seats, desks, and other immediate areas.
- To attend class and other in-person instruction remotely in the event of illness, whether or not related to COVID-19.
- To attend class and other in-person instruction remotely when in isolation and/or my Cornell Tech Daily Check does not permit me to come to campus, even if I feel well enough to participate in-person.
Travel and Guests
I agree:
- To adhere to the Cornell Tech COVID-19 Travel and Visitor policy.
- To follow all New York State, university and Campus guidelines and directives on travel (which may include travel prohibitions), as they are issued.
- To comply, if I must travel, with quarantine and testing requirements based on guidance from federal, local and state authorities as well as and the public health agency of my travel destination.
The future course of COVID-19 is unpredictable. Many factors will contribute to the severity of the pandemic during the 2020-2021 academic year and beyond. I acknowledge that, even with the mitigation steps taken by Cornell and my anticipated compliance with the expectations set forth above, I may be exposed to and contract COVID-19. I further understand that there are risks to participating in the Cornell Tech on-campus community, whether in live classrooms, on-campus housing, or other activities.