Reservations and Event Categories
Event Categories
Requests will be reviewed and preference given to those organizations and groups whose purpose complements or aligns with Cornell Tech’s instructional or research mission.
Cornell Tech/ Cornell University Events
Cornell Tech and Cornell University Events include academic departments and student organizations, and have a 7-digit Cornell University account. Funds used to pay for the event must be aligned with Cornell University’s overall mission.
Not for Profit and For Profit Organization Events
- Not for Profit organizations need to provide confirmation of its 501(c)(3) status.
- Not for Profit and For Profit organizations will need to enter into a contract process once event is approved and scheduled.
- A Certificate of Insurance listing Cornell University as additionally insured with respect to the activities being held on the Cornell Tech campus is required. General Liability Insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.
- Insurance required is subject to change depending on the nature of the event and if overall insurance limits required by Cornell University are revised.
Spaces are reserved on a first come first served basis. In order to get everything you need, you should start planning your event as soon as you can.
Complete and submit an Event Inquiry Form. Provide as much detail as you can even though you may still be in the early planning stages. An email will be sent within 72 hours to acknowledge receipt of the form. This does not mean your event is approved. It just means we have received your request.
All requests are reviewed. The approval process may take up to 14 business days so please plan accordingly when submitting the inquiry form. The Events Manager will evaluate the event request and determine the most appropriate event location based upon the availability of campus space and resources. Flexibility of location and date is helpful given the high volume of activity on campus throughout the academic year. It may be necessary for the Event Manager to contact the organization and request additional information on the nature of the event.
A quote will be sent detailing fees which are inclusive of space fees and additional applicable services. Client reviews, approves, signs and returns a copy of the quote within one month of receiving the quote (or less if the event is less than one month away), and sends payment for a 20% deposit.
Once the signed quote and deposit are received, the Cornell Tech Events Manager will reach out to coordinate logistics, catering, and other event details.