Omri Sass
Technion-Cornell Dual Master's Degrees, 2017

What are you doing now?
I am currently a Product Manager at Wirecutter, a New York Times Company. I work with stakeholders and engineers to improve our website and content management systems and to be the best review site around.
Why did you select Cornell Tech?
To me Cornell Tech was the perfect blend of tech, psychology and business, just the right education for a product manager. The campus, the faculty and people are all awesome and the experience was second to none.
What is the one thing you could not have done without your Cornell Tech experience?
Working in tech is amazingly diversified. Every day is a new challenge and every day requires a new solution. At Cornell Tech I learned the right language and approach to deal with that, developed the experience of working in cross functional teams, rapidly prototyping products, which serves me well every single day at work.