
Seminar @ Cornell Tech: Karen Livescu
Embeddings for Spoken Words
Speaker Bio
Dr. Livescu received her B.A. in Physics from Princeton University in 1996 and spent the following year as a visiting student in Electrical Engineering at the Technion, Israel. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 1999 and 2005. In 2005-2007 she was a post-doctoral lecturer in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Livescu’s research interests are in speech and language processing, recently focusing on speech recognition. She is particularly interested in statistical modeling techniques that can take advantage of both large stores of data and knowledge from linguistics and speech science.
Dr. Livescu also has a personally maintained website which can be found at http://www.ttic.edu/livescu.