
Generative AI in Healthcare
The Institute of Artificial Intelligence for Digital Health invites you to attend its monthly seminar series, which will feature Dr. Roxana Daneshjou, MD, PhD, an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Data Science and Dermatology at Stanford School of Medicine.
Generative AI promises to transform the healthcare landscape. However, pitfalls such as biases and inaccuracies loom ahead. In this talk, Dr. Daneshjou will discuss examples of how generative AI systems might be used in health care and biomedical research and what challenges still remain.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Daneshjou completed her Dermatology Residency at Stanford as part of the research track and a postdoc in Biomedical Data Science. She currently serves as an Assistant Director of the Center of Excellence for Precision Heath & Pharmacogenomics, Director of Informatics for the Stanford Skin Innovation and Interventional Research Group (SIIRG), a founding member of the Translational AI in Dermatology (TRAIND) group, and a Faculty Affiliate of Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) and the AI in Medicine and Imaging (AIMI) centers.