
Distinguished Colloquium Speaker: Eric Brewer
Kubernetes and the Rise of “Cloud Native”
We are in the midst of shifting the notion of “Cloud” to a higher level of abstraction than virtual machines — one based on services, processes and APIs. Kubernetes epitomizes this shift and has rapidly become the de facto way to manage this new era of container-based applications. It aims to simplify the deployment and management of services, including the construction of applications as sets of interacting but independent services. We explain some of the key concepts in Kubernetes and Istio and show how they work together to simplify evolution, scaling and operations.
Speaker Bio
Eric Brewer is a Google Fellow and VP of Infrastructure at Google, and faculty at UC Berkeley. He pioneered the use of clusters of commodity servers for Internet services, and built the first “giant scale” systems. His “CAP Theorem” covers basic tradeoffs required in the design of distributed systems and followed from his work on a wide variety of real-world distributed systems. He is a member of the NAE, AAAS, and winner of the ACM Prize in Computing.
At Berkeley he leads work on technology for developing regions including telemedicine systems that have helped to restore vision for thousands in India, cellular in the Philippines and Indonesia, and energy systems in Kenya and India for affordable electricity.