Johnson Cornell Tech MBA Application
Round I/Priority Round: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Round II: Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Rolling: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Please note:
- Applicants who wish to be fully considered for merit scholarships should apply by the priority deadline date.
- International students are encouraged to apply no later than Round 2 to allow sufficient time for visa processing.
- Applications must be complete – including letter(s) of recommendation – and submitted prior to a round deadline in order to be considered for that round.
- Applications received after the round deadline will be moved to the following round.
- Applications received after the Round 2 deadline will be considered on a rolling basis until Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 11:59pm EST.
- Applicants who have submitted a completed application prior to a round deadline will receive an update regarding their application status 5-7 weeks following the round deadline.
Required Materials
- Online Application: You must submit a completed Johnson Cornell Tech MBA online application. Please note that this is a separate application from other Johnson MBA programs, and our applications are not transferable across programs.
- Academic Records or Transcripts: Please provide copies of your academic records or transcripts from each previously attended university and proof of graduation from a Bachelor’s program (if this is not indicated on the transcript). While we do not require official transcripts at the time of application, you may send any official transcripts to Cornell Tech admissions electronically to admissions@tech.cornell.edu or via post to Cornell Tech Admissions, Cornell Tech, 2 W Loop Rd, New York, NY 10044 USA. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly from the academic institution. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS:
Cornell Tech requires that transcripts from colleges and universities outside the U.S. and Canada undergo a course-by-course analysis by an expert academic credential evaluator in the United States. Students are responsible for paying all fees for such evaluations and making arrangements with the credential evaluation company to send and receive their documents. Cornell Tech will accept evaluations from Scholaro, World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE), SpanTran, or any NACES organization member. If you are using the service of a credential evaluator that has the capability to send the credentials evaluation electronically, please instruct them to send it to admissions@tech.cornell.edu. Note: The admissions committee requires this evaluation prior to reviewing your application for an admissions decision. - TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo Score Report (international applicants only): If your first language is not English, you must submit a valid TOEFL (minimum 100) or IELTS (minimum 7.0 overall band) score. To see if you qualify for an English language proficiency test waiver, please read Johnson’s English Language Proficiency Policy under MBA Application Requirements. If you have any questions about the English language waiver or would like to confirm whether or not you qualify, please contact Cornell Tech Admissions at admissions@tech.cornell.edu. While we do not require official score reports at the time of application, you may report your official TOEFL through testing code 2098 or official IELTS through the e-download account Cornell University Cornell Tech. For Duolingo, you can send the test scores to Cornell Tech – Graduate Admissions. Cornell Tech does not accept MyBestScore.
- GMAT or GRE Score Report: Cornell Johnson is offering candidates of the Full-Time MBA the ability to request a GMAT/GRE test waiver, without negative bias, through the online application. In the test section of the application, candidates should indicate their request for a waiver and upload a short statement explaining why you will flourish in our rigorous academic environment (100 words). The admissions committee will review and email you to indicate if a test waiver has been approved. If your test waiver is not approved, your application will remain incomplete until a test score is submitted. If you plan to submit GMAT or GRE scores, your highest score will be considered. Please see our Class Profile below for our current GMAT and GRE averages. While we do not require official score reports at the time of application, you may report your official GMAT through testing code 5JW-BM-64 or your official GRE through testing code 8296.
- Resume: Your resume must list your professional history (with dates of employment), academic background (with dates of attendance and graduation), and any skills or activities that are relevant to your admission into this program. The Tech MBA program seeks candidates with a minimum of 2-3 years of digital-based experience and/or knowledge of the tech industry. Candidates with 8+ years should apply for the Cornell Executive MBA program. Please limit your resume to 2 pages in length
- Personal Statement: In an essay that is 500-700 words in length, please answer the questions below:
- Why are you interested in a one-year, tech-focused MBA (as opposed to a traditional two-year MBA program that would offer a summer internship opportunity)?
- Demonstrate the relationship between your current professional experience and academic background to your short- (0-5 years after graduating) and long-term (6-15 years after graduating) career goals for this program.
- At Cornell Tech, we aim to educate leaders for the digital age. What, in your opinion is the single most important characteristic that such leaders must possess? Why?
- What else would you like the admissions committee to know about you?
- Letter of Recommendation: In a letter of no more than 700 words, your recommender should speak to your academic and interpersonal abilities, technical aptitude and/or professional experiences in tech, your experience working on teams, and any areas of improvement. Your letter of recommendation should come from a current or former direct manager or supervisor. We advise that you do not choose clients, co-founders, or colleagues to write your recommendation unless you are a full-time entrepreneur and have been self-employed for the past three years or more. Only one letter is required, but you may submit an additional letter if relevant to your candidacy for the program.
- Application Fee: A nonrefundable $200 application fee is required in order to submit your application.
If you have any questions about the application or application process, please e-mail admissions@tech.cornell.edu.
All finalists will be invited for a 30-minute video interview with a member of the Admissions Committee. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate in-person interviews.
There is no specific preparation required for the admissions interview. Our committee is interested in assessing your problem solving skills and understanding how your prior work experience will allow you to make the most of the Johnson Cornell Tech MBA.
All interviewed candidates will receive an admission decision within 2-3 weeks of their interview.
Class of 2025 Profile
Please refer to our Class Profile below for our most up-to-date averages and other general statistics.
Total enrolled: 96
Average age: 28
% Female students: 40%
Countries represented: 19
% International students: 64%
Average GMAT: 696
GMAT range (middle 80%): 630-770
Average GRE: 159 (Verbal), 163 (Quantitative)
GRE-Q range (middle 80%): 159-168
GRE-V range (middle 80%): 153-162
Average undergraduate GPA: 3.47/4.0
Undergraduate GPA (middle 80%): 3.09 – 3.86
Average years of work experience: 5 years
Years of work experience (middle 80%): 4-8years
Undergraduate majors
Business/Business Administration: 9 / 9%
Management/Management Information Systems: 6 / 6%
Computer Science/Computer Engineering: 10 / 10%
Economics/Finance/Accounting: 21 / 21%
Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Engineering: 12 / 12%
Political Science: 4 / 4%
Other: 34 / 35%
Prior industries:
Consulting – 11 / 8%
FinTech/Financial Services: 15 / 16%
Health care: 5 / 5%
Business Services: 18 / 18%
Ecommerce: 8 / 8%
Engineering/Manufacturing: 8 / 8%
Technology/Other: 9 / 9%
Other: 22 / 22%
Cornell Tech offers scholarship aid to a limited number of master’s degree students each year. Merit-based aid is determined by a holistic review of all the applicants’ credentials at the time of their admission. All admitted students who are not fully sponsored are considered – no additional application is needed.
While it is not possible for Cornell Tech to offer full-tuition funding for master’s students, merit scholarships may cover a significant portion of tuition costs. Please note that scholarships cannot be applied to housing or costs other than tuition.
Need-based financial aid is not available from Cornell Tech, but students who are qualified for federal loans may refer to Johnson’s Financial Aid FAQs for more information about financing their degree.
For more information about the cost of attendance, please refer to our Tuition & Fees.
Pathway Program Participation
Cornell Tech is pleased to offer application fee waivers to qualified participants of programs designed to provide educational and/or career support to students from historically underrepresented identities.
If you are an administrator or a participant of a program not listed below, you may request that we consider adding the program to our list of programs eligible for an application fee waiver for its participants by writing to admissions@tech.cornell.edu, provided the program’s mission explicitly aligns with Cornell Tech’s intentionally inclusive diversity mission and demonstrates a clear intent for students to enter a professional or research-based master’s program.
Fee waivers are available to participants of the following programs:
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
Annual Ivy Plus University of Puerto Rico Event
American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Minorities in the Economics Profession Mentoring Program (CSMGEP: Mentoring Program)
American Economic Association Summer Training Program (AEASP)
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
Association Computing Machinery Women Council (ACM-W)
Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC)
Big 10 Grad Expo at Purdue University
Black in AI
Black Doctoral Network (BDN)
Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD)
Cal-Bridge Program
California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education
Carleton College Summer Mathematics Program for Women Undergraduates
Cientifico Latino Graduate School Mentorship Program
Center for Bright Beams Summer Program (CBB)
CCMR Summer REU Program at Cornell
CLASSE Summer REU Program at Cornell
CLASSE Summer Research for Community College Students (SRCCS)
CNF/ NNIN REU Program at Cornell
Columbia University Bridge to the PhD Program
Cornell Diversity Preview Weekend (DPW)
Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Research School
Cornell Summer Math Institute (CSMI)
Cornell Summer School on Designing Technology for Social Impact
Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
CU Integrated Graduate Education, Research and Training (IGERT) Visitation
The CUNY Pipeline Program
EDGE Program: Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education
ENGINE (engineering name exchange)
Fisk-Vanderbilt Bridge Program
FLIP (Diversifying Future Leadership in the Professoriate) Alliance
Florida A&M Graduate Feeder Conference
Forte Fellows
Gates Millennium Scholars
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM)
Grace Hopper Celebration
HSI Pathways to the Professoriate: Cal State- Northridge, FIU, UTexas- El Paso, NYU, UC-Berkeley, UPenn, Northwestern, UC-Davis
Dr. John H. Hopps Jr. Defense Research Scholars Program
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS Annual Conference)
Laureates & Leaders Program at MIT
Learn IT, Girl Fellowship
LXAI (Latinx in AI members only)
The Leadership Alliance
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Summer Undergraduates (LSAMP)
Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI)
Mathematics Summer REU Program at Cornell
McNair Scholars
Mentoring, Educating, Networking, and Thematic Opportunities for Research in Engineering & Sciences (MENTORES)
Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC)
MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)
National Name Exchange
National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCCHE)
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP)
National Society fo Hispanic Physicists (NSHP)
Ohio State University- Research Internship for Young Academics Program (OSU-RIYA)
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (oSTEM)
Out for Undergrad (O4U)
Peace Corps
Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute (PIKSI)
Philosophy of Law Undergraduate Summer School (PLUSS)
Project 1000
Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
SoNIC Summer Workshop
Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy (SIPP)
Summer Mathematics Institute at Cornell
Summer Program for Women in Mathematics (SPWM)
Summer Program for Women in Philosophy (SPWP)
Summer Undergraduate Research in Science and Engineering (SUnRiSE)
Tapia Conference
Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology (TRUST)
The Sadie Collective
Univ. of Arizona Summer Undergraduate Program for Engaging w/ Research (SUPER)
University of Michigan Building Bridges to the Doctorate Program
West Virginia University Summer Law Institute
Williams Math Summer Research Program
Women and Mathematics Program (WAM)
Women in Data Science (WiDS)